LOCAL: (718) 493-6208

About Us

About Lynn Florist


Whether You Prefer a Look that is Classic and Traditional, Modern and Trendy, Soft and Romantic or Unusual and Offbeat...

At Lynn Florist, We Customize Designs with You in Mind!

We're a local Brooklyn, New York florist delivering courteous, professional service and the highest quality floral and gift items around. Our experienced designers can create floral designs that will complement any occasion and meet your budget and style expectations as well. We also offer daily delivery service to all local funeral homes and hospitals.

When it's time to shop for a gift for any occasion...

Call or stop by our shop in Brooklyn. Choose from our nice selection of Green Plants, Blooming Plants, Dish Gardens, Fruit & Gourmet Baskets, Gift Baskets, Baby Gifts, Candy, Greeting Cards, Home Decor, Scented Candles, Silk Flowers, Stuffed Animals and more!

When it's time to send funeral flowers...

You can always depend on us to help you after a friend or loved one passes. We will design and deliver flowers that beautifully convey your expressions of sympathy and serve as a lovely tribute to the deceased.

When it’s time to plan a wedding, party or event...

Our beautiful selection of high-quality flowers and eye-catching design styles are sure to bring rave reviews on your wedding day or at any festive occasion. Call our shop in advance at 718-493-6208 to schedule your consultation.

Call or visit us today… we look forward to meeting you! Thank you for visiting our website for flowers delivered fresh from a local BROOKLYN, NY florist of choice, Lynn Florist.